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CRA Media independence is the absence of external control and influence of any other media. Our capacity is to "make decisions and act according to its logic," and distinguishes us from the vast majority of media- Committed, focused and always on time- Good positive News you can trust- We not part of the negative sensational news media of the 2024 century.

Flexbox is a multi-purpose training platform to maximize your health and fitness potential. It has a stylish and compact design that blends seamlessly with a modern home aesthetic. Flexbox gives you the ability to do resistance training, pilates and yoga exercises without the need for bulky unappealing gym equipment.

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This is AGRI NEWS NET- always on time- always on line- 7 days a week - 365 days per year we bring you all "Fresh Good news" in farming and agriculture. In your hand and easy to browse- With 25 years of real farming experience and in dependency we know what farming and agriculture is all about- Ons boer al die pad saam met jou-

This is AGRI NEWS NET- Weekend News- always on time with the Good news in your hand. Visit farmingportal,.co.za for more news and look out for a brand new media coming soon.

Nothing unites South Africans like a braai and good meat. But how does our love of meat stack up in comparison with the rest of the world?- According to the data‚ SA had the eighth-highest consumption of poultry‚ with 38.7kg per capita.

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With the world population projected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050 and with sub-Saharan Africa’s population expected to grow the fastest, overcoming the challenges facing 21st century agriculture is not an easy feat. South Africa is in DEEP trouble with CLEAN water -Let us assist you in getting CLEAN water to you house, Factory, Farm. We have all the knowledge

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There have been numerous stories about how coffee causes heart disease, mental illness, and so on. Most of which accounts for low consumption of the beverage among many in Africa’s most populous nation. In light of this, indigenous coffee startup, Nilis Coffee is on a mission to change how Nigerian’s work and study by providing a one-stop location to refresh them.

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For many people, a healthy lifestyle means more than eating a good diet and getting enough exercise — vitamins, supplements, and complementary nutritional products are also part of the plan. But though there is much publicity about their potential benefits, there is less awareness of their possible harmful effects.

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Calling it “gamma” would be an understatement. Just as the expression "product line" fails to fully outline that mechatronic universe that New Holland includes under the acronym "T7 " .

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Let us introduce you to real world of farming and Agriculture- Our Visitors and users are real Professional Commercial Farmers with the ability to create wealth coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies.

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The average banana price decreased and traded on R13.82 per kilogram or R249 per 18kg box and is now 7% higher than a year ago. We still expect prices to remain on a relatively higher level until the end of the year due to supply that can remain under pressure, but it can dip in January.

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Topography and Its Effect on Soil Formation - Topography, or the shape and features of the land, plays a significant role in how soils develop and change over time. Here's are some of the examples - Water Movement - Water is a key agent in soil formation, and topography dictates how it moves across the landscape.

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The second round of our initiative that prepares the platform for women in the broader agricultural sector to share their views, opinions and ideas will soon be kicking off. Are you ready

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The markets had mixed reactions with the average national potato price decreasing to R65.01 per 10kg and was 3% lower than a year ago. Last week, large potato prices traded lower on R80, mediums traded on R61, and smalls on R43 per 10kg. Mondials traded lower on R67 and Sifras lower on R65 per 10kg. I still think we might see lower volumes from Limpopo now and that overall lower volumes and higher demand can stabilize prices.

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White wine grape varieties contribute 66% of the total wine grapes produced in South Africa — see green bars — with Chenin blanc being the leading grape variety.

’n Nuwe navorsingstudie verwerp die meeste van vorige bewerings wat gemaak is dat ernstige gesondheidstoestande verbind kan word met die verbruik van rooivleis. Die navorsing, wat die vorige data wat ingesamel is oor studies wat die verbruik van rooivleis ontmoedig het, in besonderhede ontleed het, het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die bevindinge misleidend en misplaas was.

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This is AGRI NEWS NET- Weekend News- always on time with the Good news in your hand. Visit farmingportal,.co.za for more news and look out for a brand new media coming soon.

ANN het reeds jare terug begin twyfel in al die finansiele verslae van die regering- insluitend die reserwebank se inflasie syfers. Vrae oor die gehalte van Statistieke Suid-Afrika (SSA) se data oor landbou se BBP-syfers het verder uitgekring nadat Agbiz die jongste landbou-organisasie geword het wat dit in twyfel trek.

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Russia, the world’s leading exporter, plans to cut its wheat export quota by two-thirds in 2025, Reuters reported. It will hike wheat export duties by over 18% beginning Dec. 4, 2024, and eliminate import quotas for some staple foods, Reuters reported, citing the Russian government.

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We would like to offer potential buyers the opportunity to acquire one of the following Exclusive farms. Due to the Brands and Clientele involved the confidentiality of all information will be handled with the utmost discretion. A recent partnership with industry experts allows us to offer these farms to international buyers, the farms concerned will never be available on the open market.

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Die hooggeregshof in Bloemfontein in 'n erg en belaaide DE BONIS PROPRIIS kostebevel teen Landbank se likwidateure, Deon Botha en Hannes Muller, gegee nadat ‘n reël 42 aansoek gebring is. Die totale persoonlike aanspreeklikheid wat onmiddelik uit hierdie twee likwidateure se privaatsakke betaalbaar is, kan tussen 7 miljoen rand en 11 miljoen rand beloop.

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The national average weaner calf price reached a turning point last week, dropping by almost 3% to R32.96 per kilogram, with “out-of-hand” sales also lower at R33.19 per kg. These prices are for calves averaging 220kg. Lighter calves averaging 180kg traded at R32.91, while heavier calves averaging 273kg were priced at R31.20.

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Dit is AGRI NEWS NET- lekker om te lees- altyd op tyd- in jou hand.- As jy nie deel is van AGRI NEWS NET nie, is jy nie deel van Landbou in Suid Afrika, Afrika en die res van die wereld nie. Nuus wat jy kan vertrou. Breek weg van die negatiewe nuus van Suid Afrika en word deel van die Toekoms van Landbou.

The garlic supply chain faces a few challenges with lower and slower stock movement from major producers like China and Spain. This deficit has driven prices up, with importers emphasizing quality as a key market differentiator. South American supply comes from Peru, Argentina and Chile.

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Flexbox is a multi-purpose training platform to maximize your health and fitness potential. It has a stylish and compact design that blends seamlessly with a modern home aesthetic. Flexbox gives you the ability to do resistance training, pilates and yoga exercises without the need for bulky unappealing gym equipment.

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In jou hand- maklik om te blaai- maklik om te soek en byna 21,695 andere gebruikers lees daagliks tussen 30 en 40 goeie landbou nuus van oral oor. Met 25 jaar se praktiese boerderyervaring weet ons wat landbou en sy mense is. Altyd op tyd - van Maandag tot Sondag- Dit is ANN- nuus wat jy kan vertrou in media waar jy tuis voel en lekker kan rondblaai.

We have a finance plan for you in place. We have two trusted Finance companies who will assist you in getting the real finance. Access to Business Finance- Farming and Agriculture Tractors, Combines and Machinery Investment in farming and Agriculture Projects -Let us assist you in Farming and Agriculture Finance-

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A meta-analysis covered the following categories of non-microbial biostimulant formulations containing: chitosan, humic & fulvic acids, protein hydrolysates, silicon (Si), phosphite as well as seaweed and plant extracts.

Onion is among the most significant vegetables farmed and consumed commercially. Onion is a significant vegetable crop for both local and international consumption. It is one of the most popular vegetables in the daily diet.

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Ons leef lankal al nie meer in die jare toe medies in sy huidige formaat al metode was om siektes te genees nie. Toe almal dokters en spesialiste aanbid het en hulle as 'n soort van afgod beskou het nie. Die feit dat die dieselfde mediese dienste met al hulle nuutste toerusting en toets metodes nog steeds siektes wil diagnoseer sonder om die rede daarvoor in meeste gevalle te vind is bo my denke.

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